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发表时间:2017/8/3 10:03:50 来源:互联网 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信

Diet,Alcohol Linked to Nearly One Third of Cancers

Diet is second only to tobacco as a leading __1__ of cancer and,along with alcohol,is responsible for nearly one third of cases of the disease __2__developed countries,a leading researcher said on Tuesday.

Dr.Tim Kev,of the University of Oxford,told a cancer conference that scientists are still discovering how certain foods contribute to __3__,but they know that diet,alcohol and obesity __4__ a major role.

“Five percent of cancers could be avoided __5__ nobody was obese,”he said.

While tobacco is linked to about 30 __6__ of cancer cases,diet is involved in all estimated 25 percent and alcohol __7__ about six percent.

Obesity raises the __8__of breast,womb,bowel and kidney cancer,while alcohol is known to cause cancers of the mouth,throat and liver.Its dangerous impact is __9__ when combined with smoking.

Key told the meeting of the charity Cancer Research UK __10__other elements of diet linked to cancer are __11__ unknown but scientists are hoping that the EPIC study,which is comparing the diets of 500,000 people in 1 0 countries and their risk of cancer,will provide some __12__.

Early results of the study have revealed that Norway,Sweden and Denmark have the consumption of fruit and vegetables among European countries while Italy and Spain have the highest.Eating at __14__five portions of fruit and vegetables a day is recommended to reduce the risk of cancer.

Key,principal scientist on the EPIC study,said it is looking at dietary links to some of the most common cancers __ 1 5 __colorectal,breast and prostate.

1. A. course B. cause C. court D. reason

2. A. on B. up C. in D. down

3. A. cancer B. health C. disease D. man

4. A. dance B. turn C. take D. play

5. A. while B. if C. unless D. since

6. A. percent B. countries C. people D. number

7. A. at B. in C. of D. for

8. A. risk B. degree C. presence D. place

9. A. reduced B. increased C. mysterious D. seen

10.A. whether B. why C. that D. if

11.A. still B. also C. although D. however

12.A. decisions B. questions C. answers D. needs

13.A. lowest B. enough C. daily D. perfect

14.A. home B. most C. least D. best

15.A. causing B. including C. illustration D. defining


1.B 从文章的题目可以得知,文章的主要内容涉及饮食、酒精与癌症的关系。不难看出,文章一开头讲的就是饮食是导致癌症的主要原因之一,吸烟排名第一,饮食紧跟其后。

2.C 此处要表达的意思是“在发达国家里”。

3.A 既然文章主要涉及饮食、酒精与癌症的关系,因此,此处应选“癌症”一词。

4.D 从接下来的“角色”一词,便可得知此处应选能与之搭配的“扮演”一词。

5.B 前一句讲道,饮食、喝酒与肥胖在癌症发生的过程中扮演重要角色,此句应为虚拟句,表示假设。

6.A 从句子的主旬不难看出,此处表示的是百分之多少的意思。

7 B 此处应该填一个与前面介词“in”一样的介词。

8.A 显然,此处要表示的意思是肥胖增加某些类癌症的危险。

9. B 一个人既喝酒,又吸烟,那酒精的害处应该是增加的。

10 C 此处应选能引导宾语从句的连接词。

11 A 此处要表示的意思是“仍旧不得而知”。

12 C 从前面提到的“仍旧不得而知,但是科学家们希望”等词语可以推断,此处应选“答案”。

13 A 从句子的最后一词“highest”便可得知,此处应选该词的反义词。

14 C 众所周知,专家们多建议多吃水果、蔬菜以减少癌症的危险,可见此处应选表示“至少”意思的词语。

15 B 空格之前提到了一些最常见的癌症,接下来举的是例子,因此此处应选表示“像.包括”等意的词语。









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