

发表时间:2017/4/2 10:11:12 来源:互联网 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信

The day after my high school graduation, I boarded a plane heading for South Korea. My parents had registered me in a cultural summer program at a university in Seoul. For five weeks I was to live in a dormitory with hundreds of fellow second-generation Korean American teenagers.

The first week of the program flew by, greatly damaging my self-confidence. My language skills were poor; the natives could not understand me when I spoke Korean. What’s more, I was having a difficult time adapting to the climate. The weather was hot and there was no air-conditioning.

I didn’t know where to begin when I called my mother to tell her about my first days, but there was something I wanted to ask since stepping off the plane.

“Mom, what does ‘gyo-po’ mean? I asked Grandma, but she didn’t seem to understand my question in Korean. ‘Gyo-po’ is what the natives—taxi drivers, waiters and saleswomen—are calling me every where I go.”

“It means foreigner, my girl,” answered my mon.

As I didn’t want to stand in the phone booth (电话亭) for too long, I got into the habit of writing down everything to tell my parents before calling them. It was boiling both inside and outside and the air felt hotter than my own breath. In a letter to my friend, I told her that in Seoul you didn’t move from one place to the next, you swam, as if you were in Africa.

“Oh, it means foreigner?” I replied in surprise. I didn’t have much else to say to my mom that day. Nothing on my list seemed important anymore.

31. Judging by the information provided in the passage, the writer was a(n)_______.



C.Korean American

D.African American

32. “The natives” (Para.2 and Para 4.) refers to ________.





33.In this passage about her stay in Korea, the writer mainly talks about her trouble with-____.

A. the taxi drivers and the waiters

B. the waiters and the saleswomen

C. her phone calls and letters

D. the language and the climate

34.The writer did not want to stand in the phone booth for long because____.

A. the weather was very hot

B. she could not writer there

C. she wanted to write letters

D. calls to the US were expensive

35.The writer was most surprised that in Korea___.

A. there were no air-conditioning

B. the natives considered her a foreigner

C. her grandmother couldn’t understand her

D. people went to different places by swimming

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