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发表时间:2015/3/10 10:39:54 来源:互联网 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信

11. “Maria has blisters in her boots.” 

“She____walking such a long distance.” 

A. was used not to B. used to

C. is not used to D. did not used to 

12. In ancient times people who were thought to have the ability to ____dreams were likely to be highly respected. 

A. impart B. inherit

C. interpret D. intervene

13. It was ____that we felt tired when we arrived. 

A. a so long travel B. such a long travel

C. such a long journey D. such a so long journey

14.____his poor record in school, the board thinks that he sh

ould study hard. 

A. In spite of B. In charge of

C. In view of D. In case of 

15. “What authors do you like?” 

“Shakespeare is____.” 

A. favorite for me B. my favorite

C. for me the favorite D. the favorite of mine

16. We hadn’t expected a power cut so we were astonished when the whole house was ____into darkness. 

A. dived B. plunged

C. drowned D. dropped

17. Without a (an)____passport a tourist is forbidden to enter a country. A. operative B. effective

C. valid D. efficient

18. Although the town had been attacked by the storm several times,

____was done. 

A. a few damages B. few damages

C. little damage D. a little damage

19. Before the tourists set off, they spent much time setting a limit

____the expenses of the trip. 

A. for B. in

C. to D. about

20. “Tina looks especially pretty tonight.” 

“Yes, she always looks her best in ____of that color.” 

A. dress B. a dress

C. that dress D. the dress






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