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发表时间:2018/2/8 13:47:54 来源:互联网 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信


Topic 10 Annual Expenses for Studying English

Money Spent in Studying English in X City

1. 上图所示为X市大学生用于英语学习资料的开销,指出此项消费的发展趋势

2. 说明其变化并分析原因


Annual Expenses for Studying English

The charts show that college students have changed much in their ways of studying English, and their total expenses for it have also increased greatly. In 2000, they bought either reference books or tapes. But in 2008, they can choose among reference books, tapes, CDs or DVDs, MP3s, and the Internet. Consequently, their annual expenses for studying English have risen from 150 yuan to 230 yuan per person, a 50% increase.

Many factors contribute to such changes. Firstly, as an international language, English is not only useful when we travel abroad or communicate with foreigners, but also has become a must if we apply for a job in some large companies. Secondly, the income of most families has increased considerably, so college students can spend more on their English study. Last but not least, with the advancement of new technology, more efficient English study facilities become available for students.




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