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  1、每天保证一定的阅读量。 2、短期内迅速突破词汇量。
  六级最爱词汇: deprive of 剥夺
  摸底:Unit 8
  41. For many patients, institutional care is the most ______ and beneficial form of care.
  A) pertinent
  B) appropriate
  C) acute
  D) persistent
  42. Among all the changes resulting from the ______ entry of women into the work force, the transformation that has occurred in the women themselves is not the least important.
  A) massive
  B) quantitative
  C) surplus
  D) formidable
  注:massive 大量的
  43. Mr. Smith became very ______ when it was suggested that he had made a mistake.
  A) ingenious
  B) empirical
  C) objective
  D) indignant
  注:indignant 愤怒的
  44. Rumours are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into ______ ones.
  A) turbulent
  B) tragic
  C) vulnerable
  D) suspicious
  45. The ______ cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike.
  A) incompatible
  B) exceeding
  C) instantaneous
  D) eternal
  注:eternal 永恒的,永远的(六级最爱)
  46. She remains confident and ______ untroubled by our present problems.
  A) indefinitely
  B) infinitely
  C) optimistically
  D) seemingly
  注:infinitely 非常地,无限地,极大地



  47. Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations ______.
  A) simultaneously
  B) spontaneously
  C) homogeneously
  D) contemporarily
  48. The police were alerted that the escaped criminal might be in the ______.
  A) vain
  B) vicinity
  C) court
  D) jail
  注:vicinity 附近,邻近
  49. Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major ______ in every family’s budget.
  A) nutrition
  B) expenditure
  C) routine
  D) provision
  注:1. expenditure 花费 2. budget 预算(六级最爱)
  50. Now a paper in Science argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from ______ on earth rather than bacteria on Mars.
  A) configuration
  B) constitution
  C) condemnation
  D) contamination
  51. There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite time is the ______ from fall to winter.
  A) transmission
  B) transformation
  C) transition
  D) transfer
  注:1. transmission 广播电视节目的传送;疾病的传播;文化的传递
  2. transformation 变革
  3. transition 季节的过度,时间的更替,社会制度的转型
  4. transfer 转学,调任工作
  52. I think we need to see an investment ______ before we make an expensive mistake.
  A) guide
  B) entrepreneur
  C) consultant
  D) assessor
  注:consultant 顾问
  53. The ______ on this apartment expires in a year’s time.
  A) treaty
  B) lease
  C) engagement
  D) subsidy
  注:lease 租约
  54. The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state ______.
  A) pensions
  B) earnings
  C) salaries
  D) donations
  注:pensions 养老金
  55. There is supposed to be a safety ______ which makes it impossible for trains to collide.
  A) appliance
  B) accessory
  C) machine
  D) mechanism
  56. After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally ______.
  A) deteriorated
  B) dispersed
  C) dissipated
  D) drained
  注:1. drain (强调结果)耗尽
  2. disperse (强调过程)
  3. dissipate (强调过程)



  57. No one can function properly if they are _______ of adequate sleep.
  A) deprived
  B) ripped
  C) stripped
  D) contrived
  注:deprive of 剥夺(六级最爱)
  58. For years now, the people of that faraway country have been cruelly ______ by a dictator.
  A) depressed
  B) immersed
  C) oppressed
  D) cursed
  注:1. oppress 压制 2. curse 诅咒
  59. Ever since the rise of industrialism, education has been ______ towards producing workers.
  A) harnessed
  B) hatched
  C) motivated
  D) geared
  注:gear 调整以适应
  60. The prospect of increased prices has already ______ worries.
  A) provoked
  B) irritated
  C) inspired
  D) hoisted
  注:provoke 引起,引发
  61. The suspect ______ that he had not been in the neighbourhood at the time of the crime.
  A) advocated
  B) alleged
  C) addressed
  D) announced
  62. Although the colonists ______ to some extent with the native Americans , the Indians’ influence on American culture and language was not extensive.
  A) migrated
  B) matched
  C) mingled
  D) melted
  注:mingle 混合(六级最爱)
  63. E-mail is a convenient, highly democratic informal medium for conveying messages that _______ well to human needs.
  A) adheres
  B) reflects
  C) conforms
  D) satisfies
  注:conform to 表符合
  64. The wings of the bird still ______ after it had been shot down.
  A) slapped
  B) scratched
  C) flapped
  D) fluctuated
  注:1. flap 拍动 2. slap 掴耳光
  3. scratch 用爪子抓、刮、挠;scratch your head 思考;scowl 皱眉头 4. fluctuate 波动
  65. The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously ______ relations between the two countries.
  A) tumble
  B) jeopardize
  C) manipulate
  D) intimidate
  注:jeopardize 危险
  66. When you put up wallpaper, should you ______ the edges or put them next to each other?
  A) coincide
  B) extend
  C) overlap
  D) collide 碰撞 运动撞运动
  注:1. overlap 重叠 2. coincide 一致;coincident 一致的
  3. frugal 节俭的 4. collide 运动物体撞运动物体,撞击
  67. Under the present system, state enterprises must ______ all profits to the government.
  A) turn down
  B) turn up
  C) turn out
  D) turn in
  注:turn in 上交
  68. Oil companies in the U.S. are already beginning to feel the pressure. Refinery workers and petroleum-equipment-manufacturing employees are being _______.
  A) laid out
  B) laid off
  C) laid down
  D) laid aside
  注:1. lay off 裁员 2. lay out 布置
  3. lay down 制定政策;放下,放弃4. lay aside 放到一边,搁置;积蓄
  69. We’ll ______ you for any damage done to your house while we are in it.
  A) compensate
  B) remedy
  C) supplement
  D) retrieve
  注:compensate 补偿,弥补(六级最爱)
  70. She cut her hair short and tried to ______ herself as a man.
  A) decorate
  B) disguise
  C) fabricate
  D) fake
  注:disguise 伪装 disgusting 令人恶心的
  1. trivial 琐碎的,不重要的
  tricycle 三轮车
  triangle 三角形
  2. vigor 精力,活力
  3. naive 天真的
  4. quaint 古怪的;acquaint with 对什么熟悉
  5. Long time no see. 好久不见。
  6. I will shanghai you. 我要伤害欺骗你。
  7. ponderous 笨重的
  8. liberty 自由
  9. blush 脸红
  10. amorous 好色的,情爱的;amorous letter 情书
  -clude = close v.



  -clusive adj.
  -clusion n.
  include 包括 inclusive adj. inclusion n.
  exclude 把……排除在外
  conclude 得出结论
  preclude 防止,杜绝
  delicate 【林黛玉的N个特征】脆弱的,娇弱的;(颜色)淡淡的,(味道)淡淡的;细腻的皮肤;精致的;纤细的;精细的(尤指眼科手术)
  shear 剪
  sheer 完全的
  complement 补充
  compliment 赞扬
  isolate 使孤立,使隔离
  bewilder, confuse, puzzle 令人迷惑的,令人困惑的
  1. clash 撞击;冲突
  2. crash 坠毁
  3. smash 击碎,打碎
  4. ash 废墟
  5. abash 羞愧
  6. cash 现金
  avarice 贪婪
  gaze 凝视
  gazelle 瞪羚
  [Unit 1-41]
  As a _____ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.
  A) flexible
  B) versatile
  C) sophisticated
  D) productive
  注:1. versatile 多才多艺的
  verse 诗歌
  universe 宇宙
  reverse 颠倒,反转
  conversation 对话
  controversy 相矛盾,有争论
  2. flexible 弹性的,灵活的
  elastic 弹性的(指皮筋)
  elegant 优雅的
  3. sophisticated 复杂的,老于世故的
  naive 天真的
  innocent 天真的,无辜的
  freshman 大一,新生
  sophomore 大二;moron 低能儿,白痴
  junior 大三
  senior 大四
  4. reproduce 复制,生殖
  duplicate 复制
  break off 断裂(部分从整体上拿下)
  There are not many teachers who are strong ______ of traditional methods in English teaching.
  A) sponsors
  B) contributors
  C) advocates
  D) performers
  注:1. advocate 支持者,拥护者
  2. sponsor 发起人,赞助商
  3. contributor 捐献者,贡献者
  attribute 归因于
  retribution 回报
  distribute 分发 = give out
  4. performer 演员
  form 形式
  transform 改变
  reform 改革
  conform 符合(与need和standard搭配);遵守法律,法规conform to
  adhere to 粘着;遵守
  adage 名言,格言
  comply with 遵守,符合
  We managed to reach the top of the mountain, and half an hour later we began to _____.
  A) ascend
  B) descend
  C) decline
  D) plunge
  注:1. decline 抽象的数字的下降;婉言谢绝
  2. ascend (轻的,薄的物体的)上升;声音从远处传来;攀登



  3. descend 下来,下降;
   descendant 后代
   precusor 祖先
   4. plunge 跳进,投入
   lung 肺
   peep 偷窥
   titan 巨人
   plight 困境
   pray 祈祷
   an array of 大量
   Competition, they believe, ________ the national character rather than corrupt it.
  A) enforces
  B) confirms
  C) intensifies
  D) strengthens
  注:1. rather than 而不是,前后互为反义词
   2. corrupt 腐败;削弱
   bankrupt 破产
   3. enforce 实施,执行
   4. confirm 确认
   5. intensify 加剧;intense 强烈的;intensive 集中的,强化的,仔细的,深入的
   6. strengthen 加强;strong 强壮的
   The accident __________ him of his sight and the use of his legs.
  A) excluded
  B) disabled
  C) deprived
  D) gripped
  注:1. deprive of 剥夺(六级最爱)
   2. exclude 排除
   exclusive 排他的,独占的,专属的
   3. disable 使残疾
   4. grip 紧抓,紧握
   gripping 扣人心弦的
   loom 若隐若现
   bloom 开花
   blear 模糊
   gloom 郁闷;阴沉,昏暗
   morose 郁闷的
   amble 散步 (nasty 肮脏的;stink 发出臭味)
   gamble 赌博
  litter 垃圾
  glitter 闪光
  roan 杂毛
  groan 呻吟
  rope 绳子
  grope 摸索
   On weekends my grandma usually __________ a glass of wine.
  A) subscribes to
  B) engages in
  C) hangs on
  D) indulges in
  注:1. indulge in 纵情于,沉迷于;enjoy sth.喜欢
   dull 枯燥的;郁闷的;钝的
   2. prescribe 开药方
   describe 描述,描写
   conscribe 征兵
   circumscribe 限制
   ascribe 归因于,归咎于 =attribute to
   subscribe 订阅
   名词形式均为 -scription
   3. engage in 忙于做某事;
   engagement 约定
   compact 紧凑的;简洁的
   disperse v. 分散
   4. hangs on 紧抓,紧握
   The people living in these apartments have free _______ to that swimming pool.
  A) access
  B) excess
  C) excursion
  D) recreation
  注:1. have access to
   2. excursion 远征,探险
   precursor 祖先
   3. access 接近
   inaccessible 不可接近的,难以到达的
   excess 过剩的,过度的
   concess 妥协,让步
   process 加工;前进
   prodigy 奇迹
   procession 队列
   4. recreation 娱乐
   entertainment 娱乐
   retain 保留
   detain 拘留
   pertain 相关
   contain 包含,包括
   amusement 娱乐
   leisure 休闲
   At the party we found that shy girl ________ her mother all the time.
  A) depending on
  B) coinciding with
  C) adhering to
  D) clinging to
  注:1. depend on 依赖,依靠
   2. coincide with 巧合
   3. adhere to 粘着,贴着;遵守法律法规【comply with,conform to, adhere to】
   4. cling to 依附,靠着
   clinch 拥抱
   When a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind, he selects people _________ and ask them questions.
  A) at length
  B) at random
  C) in essence
  D) in bulk
  注:1. at random 随机地
   2. at length 最终地,最后地,完全地,详尽地
   3. in essence 本质上地,实质上地
   The ______ of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe.
   A) essence
   B) content
   C) texture
   D) threshold
   4. in bulk 散装地,大量地
   I think she hurt my feelings __________ rather than by accident as she claimed.
  A) virtually
  B) deliberately
  C) literally
  D) appropriately
  注:1. rather than 表示前后互为反义词
   2. deliberately 故意地



  liberty 自由
   3. virtually 实际上地
   4. literally 照字面意思地,逐字逐句地
   5. appropriately 恰如其分地,恰当地
   6. claim 主张,声称(作为词根表示“喊”)
   acclaim 欢迎,欢呼
   exclaim 惊叫,尖叫
   elude 逃跑,躲避
   reclaim 取回
   declaim 抨击,巧辩;高声朗诵
   proclaim 宣布,声明
  Even though he was guilty, the __________ judge did not send him to prison.
  A) merciful
  B) impartial
  C) conscientious
  D) conspicuous
  注:1. merciful 仁慈的
   theme 主题
   supreme 最高的,至高无上的
   scheme 计划
   schema 图解
   2. impartial 公正的,不偏不倚的
   partial 偏袒的
   smile 微笑
   open 思想上的敞开
   forward 身体前倾
   touch 语言上的共鸣
   eye contact 目光接触
   nod 点头,认可,同意
   3. conscientious 有责任心的,有良知的
   conscience 良知
   4. conspicuous 明显的,显著的
   suspicious 怀疑的
   The education ______ for the coming year is about $4 billion, which is much more than what people expected.
  A) allowance
  B) reservation
  C) budget
  D) finance
  注:1. budget 预算(六级最爱)
   2. allowance 津贴,补助,许可
   3. reservation 订房间,保留 make a reservation
   They had fierce __________ as to whether their company should restore the trade
  relationship which was broken year ago.
  A) debate
  B) clash
  C) disagreement
  D) contest
  注:1. clash 见911故事
   2. contest 竞赛
   context 上下文,事情的来龙去脉
   pretext 借口
   texture 结构;质地
   3. debate 争论,辩论
   They tossed your thoughts back and forth for over an hour, but still could not make __________ of them.
  A) impression
  B) comprehension
  C) meaning
  D) sense
  注:1. make sense of 理解,明白
   catch on 理解,明白
   2. impression 印象
   express 表达
   compress 压缩
   suppress 镇压,压制
   3. comprehension 理解
   apprehension 理解,领悟;忧虑,恐惧
   The politician says he will __________ the welfare of the people.
  A) prey on
  B) take on
  C) get at
  D) see to
  注:1. see to 照顾,照看
   2. prey on 以……为食,捕食
   3. take on 承担
   take to 喜欢
   take after 像
   take into account 考虑
   take turns 轮流
   take up 占据
   take off 起飞
   take out 拿出
   take in 欺骗;吸收
   take over 接管
   take on 承担
   4. get at 理解,明白(一般不是答案)
   If you __________ the bottle and cigarettes, you’ll be much healthier.
  A) take off
  B) keep off
  C) get off
  D) set off
  注:1. keep off 远离
   2. take off 起飞;脱衣
   3. get off 下来,下车
   4. set off 动身出发
   He was __________ to steal the money when he saw it lying on the table.
  A) dragged
  B) tempted
  C) elicited
  D) attracted
  注:1. tempt (不好的)诱惑
   induce (不好的)诱惑 be induced by
   adamant 固执的;坚强的
   Adam’s apple 喉结
   attract (好的)吸引
   tractor 拖拉机
   lure (既好又坏的)引诱
   2. drag 拖,拉,拽
   3. elicit 引起,引发
   arouse 引起
   evoke 引起,引发
   They tossed your thoughts back and forth for over an hour, but still could not make __________ of them.
  A) impression
  B) comprehension
  C) meaning
  D) sense
  注:1. make sense of 理解,明白
   conceive of 设想
   perceive 察觉
   receive 收到
   2. impression 印象
   expression 表达
   oppress 压制,压抑
   depress 沮丧
   3. comprehension 理解
   apprehension 理解,领悟;忧虑,恐惧
   The politician says he will __________ the welfare of the people.
  A) prey on
  B) take on



  C) get at
  D) see to
  注:1. prey on 以……为食,捕食
  2. take on 承担;流行
  3. get at 理解,明白(一般不是答案)
  catch on = make sense of 理解明白(常考)
  4. see to 照顾,照看
  If you __________ the bottle and cigarettes, you’ll be much healthier.
  A) take off
  B) keep off
  C) get off
  D) set off
  注:1. keep off 远离
  2. take off 起飞;脱衣服
  3. get off 下来,下车
  4. set off 动身出发
  He was __________ to steal the money when he saw it lying on the table.
  A) dragged
  B) tempted
  C) elicited
  D) attracted
  注:1. drag 拖,拉,拽
  2. tempt (不好的)诱惑
  contempt 蔑视
  scorn 蔑视
  sneer 蔑视
  induce (不好的)诱惑 be induced by
  adamant 固执的;坚强的
  Adam’s apple 喉结
  attract (好的)吸引
  tractor 拖拉机
  distract 转移
  distracted 心烦意乱的
  subtract 减去
  lure (既好又坏的)引诱
  leisure 休闲娱乐
  entertainment 休闲娱乐
  amusement 休闲娱乐
  recreation 休闲娱乐
  3. elicit 引起,引发
  arouse 引起
  evoke 引起,引发
  provoke 引发
  vex 引发
  Being somewhat short sighted, she had the habit of __________ at people.
  A) glancing
  B) peering
  C) gazing
  D) scanning
  注:1. glance 一瞥
  2. peer 仔细地看
  3. gaze 凝视,指感兴趣的看
  gazelle 瞪羚
  avarice 贪婪
  4. scan 扫描
  gape 吃惊的看
  peep 偷窥
  Of the thousands of known volcanos in the world, the _______ majority are inactive.
  A) tremendous
  B) demanding
  C) intensive
  D) overwhelming
  注:1. volcano 火山
  2. overwhelming 压倒性的;overwhelming majority 占绝大多数的,压倒一切的
  majority 多数
  minority 少数,少数民族
  3. tremendous 巨大的,高速的,可怕的 as tremendous speed 以高速
  tremble 颤抖
  legend 传说,传奇
  irritate 激怒
  irritable 易怒的
  irrigate 灌溉
  castigate 严惩
  navigate 航行
  investigate 调查
  4. demanding 苛刻的;需要耗时耗力的
  5. intensive 集中的;强化的;仔细的;深入的
  intensive class 强化班
  intensive reading 精读
  In general, matters which lie entirely within state borders are the______ concern of state governments.
  A) extinct
  B) excluding
  C) excessive
  D) exclusive
  注:1. exclusive 排他的,独占的,专属的
   2. extinct 灭绝的
   The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many ________ references.
  A) obscure
  B) acute
  C) notable
  D) objective
  注:1. obscure 晦涩的
   absurd 荒谬的,可笑的
   ambiguous 模棱两可的,似是而非的
   2. acute 尖的;敏锐的;急性的
   acupuncture 针灸
   3. notable 重要的,知名的
   notion 概念
   4. objective 客观的
   subjective 主观的(陪考)
   empirical 主观的,凭经验的(陪考)
   arbitrary 主观的,凭经验的,武断的,独裁的(陪考)
   The mayor was asked to __________ his speech in order to allow his audience to raise questions.
  A) constrain
  B) conduct
  C) condense
  D) converge
  注:1. constrain 强迫,抑制(永陪词汇)
   2. condense 压缩
   3. converge (运动物体的)会聚,集中;(不同思想的)会聚,集中
   assemble (人群的)聚集
   The morning news says a school bus _________ with a train at the junction and a group of policemen were sent there immediately.
  A) bumped
  B) collided
  C) crashed
  D) struck
  注:1. bump 运动撞静止
   bumper car 碰碰车
   lump 疙瘩,肿块
   goose lump 鸡皮疙瘩
   plump 丰满的



  2. collide 运动撞运动
  3. crash 碰撞,坠毁(911故事)
  4. strike 打击,撞击
  Sometimes patients suffering from severe pain can be helped by "drugs" that aren’t really drugs at all ________ sugar pills that contain no active chemical elements.
  A) or rather
  B) rather than
  C) but rather
  D) other than
  注:1. not but rather 不是……而是……
  2. or rather 准确的说,准确的讲
  3. rather than 而不是
  4. other than 除了
  We are writing to the manager ____ the repairs recently carried out at the above address.
  A) with the exception of
  B) with the purpose of
  C) with reference to
  D) with a view to
  注:介词+名词+介词 词义取决于中间的名词
  1. with the exception of 除了
  2. with the purpose of 目的是
  3. with reference to 关于
  4. with a view to 带有……观点,关于……观点
  When I said goodbye to her, she _____ the door.
  A) saw me at
  B) set me off
  C) sent me to
  D) showed me to
  In the meantime, the question facing business is whether such research is _____ the costs.
  A) worth
  B) worth of
  C) worthy
  D) worthwhile
  During the nineteen years of his career, France Batiste has won the ____ of a wide audience outside Italy.
  A) enjoyment
  B) appreciation
  C) evaluation
  D) reputation
  注:1. appreciation 欣赏,感激
  2. enjoyment 自得其乐
  3. evaluation 评价(抽象的人或事)
  assessment 评估(对有形或无形资产)
  4. reputation 名声,声望
  prestige 名声,声望
  stimulate 刺激
  Although most dreams apparently happen __________, dream activity may be provoked by external influences.
  A) spontaneously
  B) simultaneously
  C) homogeneously
  D) instantaneously
  1. spontaneously 自发地,天生地
  provoke 引起,引发
  2. simultaneously 同时地
  3. homogeneously 同样地,一样地
  4. instantaneously 稍纵即逝地,昙花一现地
  He is holding a ______ position in the company and expects to be promoted soon.
  A) subordinate
  B) succeeding
  C) successive
  D) subsequent
  注:1. subordinate 下属的,次要的,从属的
  2. succeeding 随后的
  3. successive 连续的
  4. subsequent 随后的
  By _______computation, he estimated that the repairs on the house would cost him a thousand dollars.
  A) coarse
  B) rude
  C) rough
  D) crude
  注:1. rude和crude在六级考试中是同义词,表示粗鲁的,原始的,天然的。
  2. rough 粗劣的,粗糙的
  a rough diamond 形容一个人外表不经雕琢的,内心却是如钻石般,表示很有潜力。
  3. coarse 粗糙的
  Your story about the frog turning into a prince is _______nonsense.
  A) shear



  B) sheer
  C) shield
  D) sheet
  注:1. sheer 完全的,纯粹的
  2. nonsense 胡说,古怪;nonsense nonsense(表示自谦)哪里,哪里
  3. shear 剪
  4. shield 盾
  5. sheet 床单,白纸
  I could see that my wife was ________ having that fur coat, whether I approved of it or not.
  A) intent on
  B) adequate for
  C) short of
  D) deficient in
  注:1. intent on 热衷于
  2. adequate for 足够的,可以胜任的
  3. short of 缺乏
  4. deficient in 不足的
  proficient 有技巧,熟练
  efficient 有效的,效率高的
  sufficient 足够的,充足的
   The _______ runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes.
  A) common
  B) average
  C) usual
  D) general
  注:1. average 普通的,平均的
   2. common 普通的
   One of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a ______ operation, he quickly recovered his sight.
  A) precise
  B) considerate
  C) delicate
  D) sensitive
  注:1. delicate 精致的
  2. precise 精确的
  3. considerate 体贴的,体谅的
  considerable 相当多的,大量的
  4. sensitive 敏感的 sensitive to
  sentimental 多愁善感的
  resent 愤恨
   As an excellent shooter, Peter practised aiming at both _______ targets and moving targets.
  A) stationary
  B) standing
  C) stable
  D) still
  注:1. stationary 静止的,固定的
   2. standing 永恒的;延续的
   3. stable 稳定的
   4. still 静止的;静寂的
   In American universities, classes are often arranged in more flexible _______ and many jobs on campus are reserved for students.
  A) scales
  B) ranks
  C) grades
  D) patterns
  注:1. scale 等级,刻度,天平
   2. rank 排名
   3. grade 年级;品味
  degrade 降级
   4. pattern 模式
   The insurance company paid him $10,000 in _______ after his accident.
  A) installment
  B) compensation
  C) substitution
  D) commission
  注:1. compensation 赔偿(六级最爱)
   2. installment 分期付款
   3. substitution 代替;保险代理人;替代品
  substitute for sb. 代替
  constitute 构成
  constitution 宪法
  amendment 修正案
  institute 学院
  institution 机构
   4. commission 委托,委任,佣金,回扣
  emission 放射
   The political future of the president is now hanging by a _______.
  A) rope
  B) cord
  C) string
  D) thread
  注:1. rope 绳,索
  2. cord 棉线,电话线
   3. string 毛线;琴弦
  4. thread 细线
   The statue would be perfect but for a few small _______ in its be.
  A) mistakes
  B) weaknesses
  C) flaws
  D) errors
  注:1. mistake和error同义词,表示错误,过失
  2. weakness (人的)弱点,缺点
  3. flaw 瑕疵
   Why should anyone want to read _______ of books by great authors when the real pleasure comes from reading the originals?
  A) digests
  B) insights
  C) themes
  D) leaflets
  注:1. digest 摘要
  ingest 摄入
  congest 堵塞,拥挤
  2. theme 主题
  3. insight 洞察力,理解力,观察事物的角度
  4. leaflet 小散页
  booklet 小册子
  lakelet 小湖
   Parents have a legal _______ to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.
  A) impulse
  B) obligation
  C) influence
  D) sympathy
  注:1. obligation 责任,义务
  2. impulse 冲动
  pulse 脉搏
  repulse 憎恶,排斥
  repulsive 令人厌恶的
  instinct 本能
  extinct 灭绝的
  distinct 区别的,截然不同的
  distinction (特征上的)区别
  separation (具体形态上的)分离
  break off 部分从整体上剥离下来
  break up 捏碎,打碎
  shatter 粉碎



  Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a _______.
  A) scarcity
  B) shortage
  C) minimum
  D) minority
  注:1. minority 少数,少数民族
  2. scarcity 物质方面的缺乏
  3. shortage 短缺
  4. minimum 最小的,最低的
  minimize 将……降到最小
  miniature 缩微模型
  minister 大臣
  administer 管理
  maximum 最大的,最高的,最多的
  David likes country life and has decided to _______ farming.
  A) go back on
  B) go in for
  C) go through with
  D) go along with
  注:1. go in for 从事,追求,参加,赞成
  2. go back on 违背,背弃
  3. go through with 经历了困难而完成……
  4. go along with 陪伴
  Jack was about to announce our plan but I _______ .
  A) cut him short
  B) turned him out
  C) gave him up
  D) put him through
  注:1. cut him short 打断讲话
   cut my hair short 剪断头发
   cut my hair 剃光头
   2. turn him out 驱逐出去
   3. give him up 放弃,甩掉,断绝关系
   4. put him through 让某人经历考验
  I am sure I can _______ him into letting us stay in the hotel for the night.
  A) speak
  B) talk
  C) say
  D) tell
  注:talk sb. into doing sth. 劝说某人做某事
  The joys of travel, having long _______ the disabled, are opening up to virtually
  anyone who has the means.
  A) omitted
  B) neglected
  C) missed
  D) discarded
  注:1. neglect 忽视
   elect 选举
   negative 否定的
   relieve 缓解
   2. omit 省略;删除
   emit 放射
   submit 提交
   3. miss 错过;省略 miss out
   4. discard 扔,抛
   revenue 收入,税收
   avenue 林荫路
  Fewer and fewer of today’s workers expect to spend their working lives in the same field, _______ the same company.
  A) all else
  B) much worse
  C) let alone
  D) less likely
  注:1. let alone 更不要说
  2. all else 其他一切
  3. much worse 更糟糕的是
  4. less likely 最不可能的是
  When he finally emerged from the cave after thirty days, John was _______ pale.
  A) startlingly
  B) enormously
  C) uniquely
  D) dramatically
  注:1. startlingly 惊人地
  2. enormously (具体形态)巨大地;(变化)巨大地
  3. uniquely 独特地,唯一地
  Thank you for applying for a position with our firm. We do not have any openings at this time, but we shall keep your application on _______ for two months.
  A) pile
  B) segment
  C) file
  D) sequence
  注:1. application package 申请包裹
  2. pile 堆
  3. segment 部分;切片;章节
  4. sequence 次序,顺序
  It will be safer to walk the streets because people will not need to carry large amounts of cash; virtually all financial _______ will be conducted by computer.
  A) transmissions
  B) transitions
  C) transactions
  D) transformations
   1. transaction 交易
   2. transmission (广播电视节目的)传送;(疾病的)传播;(文化的)传递
   ease 轻松
   disease 疾病
   lease 租金
   release 释放
   please 高兴,满意
   crease 褶皱
   3. transition (季节的)过渡;(社会制度的)转型
   4. transformation 改变
  The ______ of a cultural phenomenon is usually a logical consequence of some physical aspect in the life style of the people.
  A) implementation
  B) expedition
  C) demonstration
  D) manifestation
  注:1. manifestation 用现象来说明问题,表明问题
  2. implementation 履行诺言,完成任务
  3. expedition 探险,远足
  4. demonstration 演示,证明
  The new technological revolution in American newspapers has brought increased _______, a wider range of publications and an expansion of newspaper jobs.
  A) circulation
  B) reproduction
  C) manipulation
  D) penetration
  注:1. circulation 循环;发行量
  2. reproduction 复制;生殖
  3. manipulation 操纵,控制(永陪词汇)
  4. penetration 渗透,弥漫
  permeate 渗透,弥漫
  permanent 永恒的,永久的
  potential 潜力
  His career was not noticeably ______by the fact that he had never been to college.
  A) prevented



  B) restrained
  C) hindered
  D) refrained
  注:1. hinder 阻碍
   2. restrain = refrain 限制,抑制
  When trapped in drifting sands, do not struggle, or you will be ______ in deeper.
  A) absorbed
  B) pushed
  C) heaved
  D) sucked
  注:1. suck 吸
   sucking and refreshing 吸一口精神百倍
   refreshment 茶点
   2. absorb 吸收并成为一部分;招收会员
   3. heave 举起
   hoist 升起
  To ____ for his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was good for him.
  A) commence
  B) compromise
  C) compensate
  D) compliment
  注:1. compensate 补偿,偿还
  2. compliment 赞扬
  3. commence 开始
   initiate vt. 开始一个计划,开始一个项目
   considerate 考虑周到的
   contemplate 凝思
   hesitate 犹豫
   together 一起
   4. compromise 妥协(永陪词汇)
  All visitors are requested to __________ with the regulations.
  A) comply
  B) agree
  C) assist
  D) consent
  注:1. 遵守法律三兄弟
   adhere to 遵守法律、法规
   conform to 遵守法律、法规;符合一种需要,标准
   comply with 遵守法律、法规
   2. assist 帮助
   consist 组成 consistent adj. 一致的
   insist 坚持
   resist 拒绝 resistance n.
   exist 存在
   3. consent 同意
   consent to 同意
  The captain __________ the horizon for approaching ships.
  A) scanned
  B) scrutinized
  C) explored
  D) swept
  注:1. scan 仔细的搜索寻找
   2. scrutinize 近距离审查,考察
   3. explore 探索研究
   4. sweep 打扫,清除
  The vast majority of people in any given culture will _____ to the established standards of that culture.
  A) confine
  B) conform
  C) confront
  D) confirm
  注:1. conform 符合
  2. confine 限制;圈养
   define 下定义
   definite 明确的
   infinite 无限的,极大的
  3. confront 面临
  4. confirm 确认
  Although he was on a diet, the food __________ him enormously.
  A) inspired
  B) tempted
  C) overcame
  D) encouraged
  注:1. tempt 诱惑
  2. inspire 启迪
  3. overcome 克服
  4. encourage 鼓励
  His argument does not suggest that mankind can _____ to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources.
  A) resort
  B) grant
  C) afford
  D) entitle
  注:1. afford 负担得起
   affray 争吵
  2. resort 诉诸于,求助 resort to = make use of 利用
  3. grant 津贴,补助
  4. entitle 给……题名;授权
  If you want this pain-killer, you’ll have to ask the doctor for a ______.
  A) receipt
  B) recipe
  C) subscription
  D) prescription
  注:1. pain-killer 止疼片
  2. prescription 药方
  3. receipt 收据
  4. recipe 菜谱;秘诀
  Some fish have a greater __________ for acid water than others.
  A) tolerance
  B) resistance
  C) dependence
  D) persistence
  注:1. tolerance 忍耐,忍受
  2. resistance 抵抗
  3. dependence 依赖
  4. persistence 恒定不变,坚持,持续
  There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in _____ with its surroundings.
  A) coincidence
  B) harmony
  C) uniform
  D) alliance
  注:1. harmony 和谐,协调
  2. coincidence 巧合,一致
  3. uniform 制服;统一的,一致的
  4. alliance 联盟
  The court considers a financial ______ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.
  A) payment
  B) obligation
  C) option
  D) penalty
  注:1. penalty 惩罚
  2. payment 付款
  3. obligation 责任,义务
  4. option 选择
  It is true that____ a wild plant into a major food crop such as wheat requires much research time.



  A) multiplying
  B) breeding
  C) magnifying
  D) generating
  注:1. breed 生养
   2. multiply 增加
   3. magnify 放大,扩大
   4. generate 产生
  The government has devoted a larger slice of its national ______ to agriculture than most other countries.
  A) resources
  B) potential
  C) budget
  D) economy
  注:1. budget 预算(六级最爱)
   2. resource 资源
   3. economy 经济
   economical 节约的
   frugal 节俭的
   miserly 小气的,吝啬的
  In this poor country, survival is still the leading industry; all else is ______.
  A) luxury
  B) accommodation
  C) entertainment
  D) refreshment
  注:1. luxury 奢侈
   2. accommodation 提供食宿
   3. entertainment 娱乐
   4. refreshment 精神清爽;茶点
  Some criminals were printing __________ dollar bills until they were arrested.
  A) decent
  B) fake
  C) patent
  D) suspicious
  注:1. fake 假的,伪造的
   2. decent 合适的;体面的
   3. patent 专利,执照
   tent 帐篷
   attention 注意力
   suspicious 怀疑的
  Mr. Bloom is not __________ now, but he will be famous someday.
  A) significant
  B) dominant
  C) magnificent
  D) prominent
  注:1. prominent 卓越的,著名的
   2. significant 重要的,有意义的
   3. dominant 占主导地位的,重要的
  His body temperature has been _____ for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.
  A) uncommon
  B) disordered
  C) abnormal
  D) extraordinary
  注:1. abnormal 不正常的
   2. uncommon 罕见的
   3. disordered 混乱的
   4. extraordinary 特别的
  He seems to be __________ enough to climb to the mountain top in an hour.
  A) radiant
  B) conscientious
  C) conspicuous
  D) energetic
  注:1. energetic 精力充沛的
   2. radiant 阳光明媚的;容光焕发的
   3. conscientious 有责任心的,有良知的
   4. conspicuous 明显的,显著的
  Although cats cannot see in complete darkness their eyes are much more __________ to light than are human eyes.
  A) glowing
  B) brilliant
  C) sensitive
  D) gloomy
  注:1. sensitive 敏感的
   2. glowing 兴高采烈的
   3. brilliant 聪明的
   4. gloomy 郁闷的
  While nuclear weapons present grave ________ dangers, the predominant crisis of overpopulation is with us today.
  A) inevitable
  B) constant
  C) overwhelming
  D) potential
  注:1. potential 潜在的
   2. constant 常数
   3. inevitable 不可避免的
   4. overwhelming 占绝大多数的,压倒一切的
  This is the ______ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.
  A) true
  B) original
  C) real
  D) genuine
  注:1. ACD为同义词
   2. original 最初的,原版的
   3. genuine 真的;真诚的
   humble 谦虚的
   generous 慷慨的
  Comparison and contrast are often used _______ in advertisements.
  A) intentionally
  B) pertinently
  C) incidentally
  D) tiresomely
  注:1. intentionally 故意地
   2. pertinently 相关地;中肯地;贴切地
   3. incidentally 偶然地
  A complete investigation into the causes of the accident should lead to improved standards and should __________ new operating procedures.
  A) result in
  B) match with
  C) subject to
  D) proceed with
  注:1. result in 导致
   2. match with 相匹配
   3. subject to 屈服于,遭受 =undergo
   4. proceed with 继续
  ______ popular belief that classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create.
  A) Subject to
  B) Contrary to
  C) Familiar to
  D) Similar to
  注:1. Contrary to 与……相反
   2. C应该是Familiar with
   3. Similar to 与……相似
  The bond of true affection had pulled us six very different men from six very different countries-across Antarctica; we proved in the end that we weren’t very different __________.
  A) for all



  B) as usual
  C) in particular
  D) after all
  注:1. after all 毕竟,终究
   2. for all 尽管
   3. as usual 平常
   4. in particular 特别,尤其
  Though her parents __________ her musical ability, Jerrilou’s piano playing is really terrible.
  A) pour scorn on
  B) heap praise upon
  C) give vent to
  D) cast light upon
  注:1. pour scorn on 蔑视,贬低
   sneer 嘲笑
  2. heap praise upon 大加赞赏
  3. give vent to 发泄
  4. cast light upon 明显,显现
  Some children display an __________ curiosity about every new thing they encounter.
  A) incredible
  B) infectious
  C) incompatible
  D) inaccessible
  注:1. incredible 令人难以置信的
  2. infectious 传染的
  3. incompatible 不相容的,相矛盾的
  4. inaccessible 难以到达的,难以接近的
  Bruce Stephen gripped the __________ wheel hard as the car bounced up and down.
  A) stirring
  B) driving
  C) steering
  D) revolving
  注:steering 操纵,掌舵。方向盘
  Many of the scientists and engineers are judged ____ how great their achievements are.
  A) in spite of
  B) in ways of
  C) in favor of
  D) in terms of
  注:1. in terms of 根据
  2. in spite of 尽管
  3. in favor of 支持,赞成
  4. by means of 通过……方法解决
  The directions were so _______ that it was impossible to complete the assignment.
  A) ingenious
  B) ambitious
  C) notorious
  D) ambiguous
  注:1. ingenious 机灵的,灵巧的,有发明天分的
   2. ambitious 野心勃勃的;有雄心的
   3. notorious 臭名昭著的
  Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the most ________ areas in Japanese life.
  A) sophisticated
  B) competitive
  C) considerate
  D) superficial
  注:1. competitive 竞争的
  2. considerate 体贴的,体谅的
  3. superficial 表面的,肤浅的
  If a person talks about his weak points, his listener is expected to say something in the way of _______ .
  A) persuasion
  B) remedy
  C) encouragement
  D) compromise
  注:1. encouragement 鼓励
  2. persuasion 劝告
  3. remedy 治疗
  4. compromise 妥协(永陪词汇)
  Her interest in redecorating the big house kept her ________ for a whole week.
  A) constrained
  B) dominated
  C) restricted
  D) occupied
  注:1. constrained 不舒服的,被强迫的(永陪词汇)
  2. dominated 占统治地位的,占主导地位的
  3. restricted 受限制的
  If we _______ our relations with that country, we’ll have to find another supplier of raw materials.
  A) diffuse
  B) diminish
  C) terminate
  D) preclude
  注:1. terminate (正式)终止,停止
  2. diffuse 弥漫,扩散;学历的改变移交,政权的改变移交
  3. diminish 减少,降低
  4. preclude 排除;阻止;防止
  Movie directors use music to _______ the action on the screen.
  A) contaminate
  B) compliment
  C) contemplate
  D) complement
  注:1. compliment 赞扬
  2. complement 补充
  3. contemplate 沉思,思考
  4. contaminate (化学)污染
  tame 驯化
  contamination 污染物
  A terrible traffic accident happened; people were saddened when they watched the ________ sight on TV.
  A) panic
  B) patriotic
  C) pathetic
  D) periodic
  注:1. pathetic 悲惨的
  2. panic 恐慌
  3. patriotic 爱国的
  4. periodic 周期性的;定期的
  Many tourists were _______ by the city’s complicated traffic system.
  A) degraded
  B) bewildered
  C) evoked
  D) diverted
  注:1. complicated 复杂的
   intricate 复杂的
   complex 复杂的
  2. bewilder 使迷惑
  3. degraded 被降级的
  4. evoke 引起,引发
  5. divert 疏散
  convert 宗教信仰的改变 convert into
  dim 光线黯淡
  distress 沮丧
  sting 刺
  distinct 区别
  distinguish 区别
   extinguish 熄灭
   instinct 本能
   extinct 灭绝的
  Over the last fifteen years, running has become a popular ________ for 30 million participants of all ages.
  A) fantasy
  B) pastime
  C) symposium
  D) penalty
  注:1. pastime 休闲,娱乐
   2. fantasy 幻想
   3. symposium 酒会,专题讨论会
   conference 一般性会议
   cone 松果
   ice cone 圆筒冰激凌
   conifer 针叶树
   convention 传统;国际性的代表大会
   summit 峰会
   seminar 研讨会
   forum 论坛
   4. penalty 惩罚
  Some people think that a ________ translation, or word-for-word translation, is easier than a free translation.
  A) literal
  B) literary
  C) liberal
  D) linear
  注:1. literal 照字面上的
  2. literary 文字精美的,雕琢文字的
  3. liberal 自由的
  4. linear 线性的,直线的
   linear thinking 直线般思考
   mooning thinking 曲线般思考
  Many novels that attempt to mirror the world are really _______ of the reality that they represent.
  A) reflections
  B) demonstrations



  C) illuminations
  D) reproductions
  注:1. reflection 反射;反映;倒影
  2. demonstration 游行;演示
  3. illumination 点亮,照亮
  4. reproduction 复制品
  It is through learning that the individual _______ many habitual ways of reacting to situations.
  A) retains
  B) gains
  C) achieves
  D) acquires
  注:acquire 习得
   Language Acquired Ability 语言习得能力
   Generally, it is only when animals are trapped that they ________ to violence in order to escape.
  A) proceed
  B) appeal
  C) resort
  D) incline
  注:1. resort 诉诸于,求助
   2. proceed with 继续进行 =continue with
   3. appeal 上诉
   4. incline 喜欢;倾向
   decline 婉言拒绝
   recline 倾斜,斜躺
   Mary once _______ with another musician to compose a piece of pop music.
  A) merged
  B) collaborated
  C) coincided
  D) constituted
  注:1. collaborate (文化艺术方面)合作
   in collaboration with 合作
   cooperation 合作
   2. merge 合并;加强
   3. coincide 巧合
   4. constitute 构成,组成
   During their fist teacher training year, the students often visited local schools for the _______ of lessons.
  A) observation
  B) investigation
  C) inspection
  D) examination
  注:investigation 调查
   He attends to the _______ of important business himself.
  A) transaction
  B) transition
  C) transmission
  D) transformation
  注:1. transaction 交易
   2. transition 季节的过度;社会制度的转型
   3. transmission 广播电视节目的传送;疾病的传播;文化的传播
   4. transformation 改变
   Out of _______ revenge, he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation.
  A) perfect
  B) total
  C) sheer
  D) integral
  注:1. sheer 完全的,纯粹的(六级最爱)
   2. revenge 报复
   3. integral 完整的
   integrity 诚实,正直
   A most ______ argument about who should go and fetch the bread from the kitchen was going on when I came in.
  A) trivial
  B) delicate
  C) minor
  D) miniature
  注:1. trivial 琐碎的;价值不高的
   2. fetch 取 fetch water 打水
   3. delicate 【林妹妹的N个特征】精细的(尤指眼科手术)
   4. minor 次要的,从属的
   5. miniature 缩微的模型
   The children cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons _______ slowly into the sky.
  A) floating
  B) raising
  C) heaving
  D) ascending
  注:1. ascending 轻的,薄的物体的上升;声音从远处传来
   2. floating 漂浮的
   3. raise 抚养
   4. heave 举重物



  Do you have any ______ about what living beings on other planets would be like?
  A) ideal
  B) comprehension
  C) notion
  D) intelligence
  注:1. notion 概念
  2. intelligence 智力
  IQ 智商
  EQ 情商
   We rarely perceive more than a minute _______ of the sights and sounds that fall upon our sense organs; the great majority pass us by.
  A) fiction
  B) function
  C) fraction
  D) friction
  注:1. perceive 察觉
  2. minute 极其微小的
  3. fraction 碎片,片段
  4. fiction 小说
  5. function 功能
  6. friction 磨擦,冲突
   For many patients, institutional care is the most _______ and beneficial form of care.
  A) persistent
  B) appropriate
  C) thoughtful
  D) sufficient
  注:1. appropriate 适当的
   2. persistent 坚持的,固执的
   3. thoughtful = considerate 体贴的,体谅的
   4. sufficient 足够的,充足的
   It’s pleasure for him to ______ his energy and even his life to research work.
  A) dedicate
  B) dictate
  C) decorate
  D) direct
  注:1. dedicate = devote to 奉献,全身心投入做某事;献给
  commemorate 纪念
  2. dictate 听写
  3. decorate 装修
  4. direct 直接
   They are well _______ with each other since they once studied in the same university.
  A) identified
  B) recognized
  C) acknowledged
  D) acquainted
  注:1. acquaint 熟悉
   2. identify 辨别
   3. recognize 承认,认出来,认识到
   4. acknowledge 承认,告知
   There is a ______ difference in meaning between the words surroundings and environment.
  A) gentle
  B) subtle
  C) feeble
  D) humble
  注:1. subtle 细微的,微妙的
  2. gentle 温柔的,儒雅的
  3. feeble 脆弱的,易受伤害的
  vulnerable 易受攻击的
  4. humble 谦虚的
  genuine 真诚的
  generous 慷慨的
   All the finished products are stored in a ________ of the delivery port and shipping is available at any time.
  A) garage
  B) cabinet
  C) capsule
  D) warehouse
  注:1. warehouse 仓库
  2. garage 修车厂
  3. cabinet 小橱柜
  4. capsule 胶囊;太空舱
   When he tried to make a ________ , he found that the hotel was completely filled because of a convention.
  A) reservation
  B) claim
  C) mess
  D) revision
  注:1. reservation 预定,保留
  2. claim 主张,要求,声称,认领
  acclaim 欢迎
  exclaim 大喊
  elude 逃跑,躲避
  declaim 抨击;朗诵
  proclaim 宣布
  3. mess 混乱
  in a mess 凌乱



  4. revision 修改,校对
  Parents take a great interest in the _______ questions raised by their children.
  A) nasty
  B) naive
  C) obscure
  D) offensive
  注:1. nasty 肮脏的,污秽的
  2. naive 天真的
  3. obscure 晦涩的,难懂的
  4. offensive 粗鲁的,无礼的,冒犯的
   Although it was his first experience as chairman, he ________ over the meeting with great skill.
  A) presided
  B) administered
  C) mastered
  D) executed
  注:1. preside 主持
  2. administer 管理
  3. master 掌握,控制
  4. execute 执行
   Both parties promised to ______ the contract to be signed the following day.
  A) keep with
  B) tangle with
  C) adhere to
  D) devote to
  注:1. adhere to 遵守
  2. keep in with 跟某人保持友好关系
  3. tangle with 卷入纠纷,卷入争论
  4. devote to 奉献,贡献




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