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We are writing to the manager ____ the repairs recently carried out at the above address.

A) with the exception of

B) with the purpose of

C) with reference to

D) with a view to

注:介词+名词+介词 词义取决于中间的名词

1. with the exception of 除了

2. with the purpose of 目的是

3. with reference to 关于

4. with a view to 带有……观点,关于……观点


When I said goodbye to her, she _____ the door.

A) saw me at

B) set me off

C) sent me to

D) showed me to


In the meantime, the question facing business is whether such research is _____ the costs.

A) worth

B) worth of

C) worthy

D) worthwhile



During the nineteen years of his career, France Batiste has won the ____ of a wide audience outside Italy.

A) enjoyment

B) appreciation

C) evaluation

D) reputation

注:1. appreciation 欣赏,感激

2. enjoyment 自得其乐

3. evaluation 评价(抽象的人或事)

assessment 评估(对有形或无形资产)

4. reputation 名声,声望

prestige 名声,声望

stimulate 刺激


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