

发表时间:2016/3/25 10:26:06 来源:互联网 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信

6.At first, people raised dogs to help them hunt and to warn them when danger ______ . Today, cats and dogs are kept largely as pets.

A.reproached B. approached C.appreciated D. apprehended

Best Answer:B


7.For a child to give up his less mature idea for a more mature one, it requires that the child ______ psychologically really for the new idea.

A.would be B. were C.be D. is

Best Answer:c

详解:应选C项。require要求从句的谓语省略should +动词原形。

8.They do not have to pay for expensive seats at the theater, the cinema or the opera, ______ , perhaps, that show is disappointing.

A.only to discover B. only discovering C.only so as to discover D. only for discovering

Best Answer:A

详解:应选A项。only to do sth意为“结果只是…”,其逻辑主语是they。

9.I ______ admit the truth or your remarks, although they go against my interests.

A. can but B. may not to C.can't but D. need but

Best Answer:C

详解:应选C项。can't but的意思是“不能不”。



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