2015年成人英语三级考试报名信息...《2015年成人英语三级考试词汇与语法练习题1》由中大网校成人英语三级考试网发布。" />


发表时间:2015/2/8 10:16:04 来源:互联网 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信

31. The reason _____ he failed the exam was _____ he had not worked hard.

A. why……if B. why……that

C. that……why D. why……what

32. When you called me this morning, I _____ the newspaper.

A. read B. was reading

C. reads D. have read

33. _____ to get there on time, we walked as fast as we could.

A. hoping B. to hope

C. hoped D. being hoped

34. Walking along the river, he heard someone _____ for help.

A. shouting B. shout

C. shouted D. having shouted

35. _____ into many languages, the book is well known to all.

A. Being translated B. Having been translated

C. to be translated D. Having been translated

36. Most of the people _____ to her party were her old friends.

A. Invited B. to invited

C. being invited D. inviting

37. _____ from the moon, the earth with water _____ seventy percent of its surface.

A. See/covered B. Seeing/covering

C. Seen/covering D. To see/to cover

38. _____ I saw was two men crossing the street.

A. What B. Whom

C. Who D. That

39. The time will come _____ man can fly to outer space freely.

A. that B. when

C. in that D. what

40. Before her marriage, she spent a considerable time in that very part of Shanghai,_____ she belonged.

A. which B. to where

C. to which D. at which





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