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v 1) Mr. Lee is a well-known scientist.名词作主语

v 2) He reads newspapers everyday.代词作主语

v 3) Two and ten is twelve.数词作主语

v 4) Smoking is harmful to the health.动名词作主语

v 5) To swim in that pool is a great pleasure.动词不定式作主语

v 6) What we shall do next is not yet decided.从句作主语

2、谓语: 说明主语的动作,状态或特征

v 1) The new term begins on the 1st of September.

v 2) His father is an engineer.

v 3) She seemed happy.

v 4) Li Hua showed me his album.


v 1) Wang Ling lent me a novel to read in the bus.

v 2) The medicine is good for a cold.

v 3) How many pieces do you want?

v 4) My little sister always likes to ask questions.

v 5) Would you mind coming earlier tomorrow?

v 6) He asked me what I was going to do tonight


v 1) The government appointed(任命)her chief delegate (首席代表)to the conference.

v 2) I don’t believe the story true.

v 3) You should put your things in order(有序).

v 4) The doctor advised her to stay in bed for a week.

v 5) We saw the pupils playing basketball.


v 1)Wang’s father is a doctor.

v 2) He is always careless.

v 3) The basketball match is on.

v 4) All the pupils are on the playground now.

v 5) Our aim is to win more medals.

v 6) His work is teaching French.

v 7) The question is who can really repair the machines.


表示感官的:look\seem(看起来) 、sound(听起来)、smell(闻起来)、taste(尝起来)、feel(感觉起来):

He looks disappointed(形容词作表语)他看起来很失望。

The rubbish smells terrible.垃圾很难闻。

表示变化的:get、become、turn(变得)。It becomes hotter and hotter(形容词作表语). 天变得越来越热了。


v Tom is a handsome boy. The two boys are students.

v His boy needs Tom's pen. The boy in the classroom needs a pen of yours.

v The boy needs a ball pen. The best boy here is Tom.

v There is nothing to do today. The smiling boy needs a pen bought by his mother.

v This is the new dictionary which I bought yesterday.


v 1) She sings quite well.

v 2) On Sundays, there is no student in the classroom.

v 3) He sits there, asking for a pen.

v 4) The boy needs a pen to do his homework.

v 5) If I have some spare time, I will read some story-books.


v We students should study hard. / (students是we的同位语,都是指同一批‘学生’)

v We all are students. / (all是we的同位语,都指同样的‘我们’)





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