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雅思口语素材:Sesame noodles/芝麻凉面的介绍

发表时间:2015/2/6 11:32:53 来源:中大网校 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信
雅思口语素材:Sesame noodles/芝麻凉面的介绍

  储备丰富的雅思口语素材是雅思口语高分的关键,针对your favorite dish之类的话题,下面新东方在线雅思频道为大家准备了Sesame noodles/芝麻凉面的介绍,供大家参考。

  Sesame noodles 芝麻凉面(Japan 日本)

  Japanese people love sashimi and noodles. Since sashimi isn’teasy to keep fresh, a simple dish of sesame noodles is a favorite at picnics. It’s versatile, too, as you can vary the vegetablesaccording to the season — snow peas, roasted peppers, grilled eggplant, julienned carrots, bean sprouts, and fresh or dried mushrooms all work great。



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