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发表时间:2016/12/7 15:48:30 来源:互联网 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信

短文理解 |||第一节短文理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的[A]、[B]、[C]和[D]四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



Life is difficult.

It is a great truth because once we truly understand and accept it,then life is no longer difficult.

Most do not fully see this truth.Instead they complain about their problems and difficulties as if life should be easy.It seems to them that difficulties represent a special kind of suffering especially forced upon them or else upon their families,their class,or even their nations.

What makes life difficu .It is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painful one.

Problems.depending on their natures,cause US sadness or loneliness or regret or anger or fear.

These are uncomfortable feelings,often as painful as any kind of physical pain.And since life can-ses endless serious problems,life is always difficult and is full of pain as well as joy.Yes,it is in this whole process of solving problems that life has its meaning.Problems are the serious tests that tell us success from failure.When we desire to encourage the growth of human spirit,we encourage the human ability to solve problems,just as in school we set problems for our children to resolve.It is through the pain of meeting and working out problems that we learn As Benjamin Franklin said.“Those things that hurt,instruct.’’It is for this reason that wise people learn not to fear but to welcome the pain of problems.

{TS}From this passage.it Can be inferred that__________.

A.everybody has problems

B.we become stronger by meeting and solving the problems of life

C.life is difficult because our problems bring US pain

D.people like to complain about their problems


参考解析:Text l







B【解析】推理判断题。全文主要讲述了有人抱怨生活的艰辛,作者也承认生活是艰难的,然而正是这种艰难的解决问题的过程使得生活变得更有意义。所以,从文章的最后一段第二行,When wedesire to encourage the growth of human spirit,we encourage the hu—man ability to solve problems.可知正确的答案为B。


The main idea of Paragraph Three is that__________.

A.most people feel life is easy

B.the writer feels life is easy

C.the writer likes to complain about his problems

D.most people complain about how hard their lives are+


参考解析:D【解析】主旨大意题。由文章的第三段第一句话,Most do not fullysee this truth.Instead they complain about their problems and diffi—culties as if life should be easy.可知,人们经常抱怨生活是多么的艰辛。所以正确的答案为D。


According to the passage,we give school children difficult problems to solve in order to__________.

A.encourage them to learn

B.teach them to fear the pain of solving the problem

C.help them learn to deal with pain

D.teach them how to respect from the problem


参考解析:A【解析】事实细节题。文章的倒数第四行说到,we encourage thehuman ability to solve problems,just as in school we set problemsfor our children to resolve.所以我们让学生们做题的目的是让他们从中学习。所以本题正确的答案为A。



Millions of hamburgers are eaten by people in every corner of the world every day.Together with hot dogs and Coca-Cola,hamburgers have been the most important American contribution(贡献)to international eating habits.

The name“hamburger”has nothing to do with ham(火腿).It is believed that the hamburger was first brought to the United States by Germans from the city of Hamburg some time in the 1850s.From then on the hamburger became a.kind of.popular American fast food.

Now young people in Asia,Europe and South America have learned to eat while on the

move:a.hamburger in one hand and a soft drink in the other.There have been cries to anger from Italy and Spain about the shortening of the usual。lunch break.Instead,young people have discovered a lunch for which they don’t have to stop at all.

However,there are clouds over the hamburger’s world.People who concern about health dislike the high animal fat in the hamburger.They tllillk the time saved seems a high price to pay for poor health.The packages in which hamburgers are usually served are causing serious pollution problems:in many large cities.Big hamburger companies are destroying large areas of South American rainforest to

produce the cheap meat they need.S0,will the hamburger celebrate its。next century?

{TS}In which way do hamburgers change people’s eating habits?

A.People can have their meals at any time of the day.

B.They can be served in any restaurant.

C.People can have them with soft drinks.

D.Meal time can be greatly reduced.


参考解析: 参考译文







The hamburger,as a kind of popular American fast food,——.

A.has a history of over one hundred years

B.was brought to Europe in the l850s

C.is usually eaten with the hot dog

D.is better served in Hamburg




Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Young people in Europe don’t stop to buy hamburgers.

B.It is suggested that hamburgers be eaten with both hands.

C.Some people in Europe don’t like to reduce their lunch break.

D.Young people in many countries are learning how to eat in their Cars.




The writer doesn’t believe that__________.

A.packages for hamburgers are polluting many big cities

B.hamburgers will remain popular for the following 100 years

C.the meat in。hamburgers can cause health problems

D.cattle raising leads to the destroying of rainforest







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