

发表时间:2016/2/25 10:36:04 来源:互联网 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信

1.She disagrees ______ him ______ everything. 【 A 】

A. with, on

B. /, on

C. with, at

D. on, with

【答案解析】:本题运用了disagree with sb on sth这个结构。

2.He talked a lot about things and persons ________they remembered in the school. 【 B 】

A. which

B. that

C. whom

D. what

【答案解析】:things和persons是先行词。当定语从句要修饰的先行词是既表示人, 又表示物的名词时, 其关系代词要用that.

3.We are interested in the weather because it _______ us so directly—what we wear, what we do and even how we feel. 【 B 】

A. benefits

B. affects

C. guides

D. effects


4.The teacher told us the fact _______. 【 D 】

A. which the earth moves around the sun

B. that the earth moved around the sun

C. that the sun moves around the earth

D. that the earth moves around the sun


5.Perseverance is a kind of quality and that is _______ it takes to do anything well. 【 A 】

A. what

B. that

C. which

D. why

【答案解析】:what在表语从句中作takes的宾语,构成“It takes sth. to do sth.”的句型。答案为A.

6._______ that the scientist will give us a talk next month? 【 B 】

A. Is true

B. Is it true

C. It‘s true

D. It’s truly


7.You are the most direct young woman I have ever _______. 【 D 】

A. come to

B. come into

C. come over

D. come across

【答案解析】:此为“come”动词词组辨析题。come across(偶然)遇见;A. come to达到;达成:come to a conclusion得出结论。B. come into进入;继承;得到: come into power当权;come into a fortune继承一笔财产。C. come over顺便来访;(感觉,影响)支配,攫住。

8.People who can‘t _______ between colors are said to be color-blind.【 C 】

A. separate

B. divide

C. distinguish

D. appointed


9.It is vital that the work _______ in time. 【 B 】

A. is done

B. be done

C. are done

D. was done


10.If you _______ in behaving in this way you will bring yourself nothing but trouble.【B 】

A. continue

B. persist

C. decide

D. react

【答案解析】:continue一般不与in搭配,常见的是continue to do sth.decide也多与to 搭配。另一方面,从词义来看,continue意思是“继续”,decide意思是“决定”,react意思是“反应,作出反应”,都与句意不相符。只有persist无论是从搭配还是从意思来看都是最佳答案。

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