

发表时间:2016/5/5 11:04:32 来源:互联网 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信

1. To understand the sentence, you should analyze its parts ________.

A. functionally B. widely C. largely   D. remarkably




【详细解答】 A 有用途地、有功能地 B 宽广地 C 大大地 D 突出地

2. There is the appreciation of the salient historical truth ________ the aging of advanced societies has been a sudden change.

A. Which B.what C.that D.how



3. The doctors are ________ about the guidelines under which they can carry out euthanasia.

A.at a stretch B.at a loss C.at random D.at length



4. The cloth had a natural look which perfectly ________ the image Laura sought.

A. turned out B. set down C. thought over D. coincided with




【详细解答】 A 关闭 B制定、放下 D 与…相同、与…相符

5. If an earthquake occurred,some of the one-storey houses ________.

A.might be left stand B.might leave to be standing C.might be left to stand D.might be left standing


【答案解析】be left...:被置于...的境地。它是leave sth...的被动式。standing:站立的,固定的,直立的。be left加形容词是常用的一种表达方式。

6. Such person _______ you describe is rare nowadays.

A.it B.as C.that D.what



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