

发表时间:2015/12/22 11:16:52 来源:互联网 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信

1. 3.I don’t mind _______ the decision as long as it is not too late.

A. you to delay making

B. your delaying making

C. your delaying to make

D. you delay to make



2. 4.This is an important problem _______ too few social scientists have researched.

A. which

B. that

C. into that

D. into which


【答案解析】into which引导的是problem的定语从句。which指代problem,into与research搭配。

3. 5.There is a deadlock(僵局) in the discussion when neither side gives ________ to the other.

A. a way

B. way

C. the way

D. its way


【答案解析】译文:由于双方都不让步,讨论陷人了僵局。本题考查短语搭配,give way to意思为“让路、让步”。

4. 6.These two alarm clocks are normally set together, but now they have been reset a few hours _________.

A. away

B. alone

C. apart

D. aside


【答案解析】but表示前后句子意思是相反的,所以前面说了set together,后面提到的就是apart(分开)。

5. 7.Weather _______, we’ll go out for a walk.

A. permitted

B. permitting

C. permits

D. for permitting


【答案解析】本题中没有连词,它不是复合句,也不是并列句。 句中使用了逗号,且we 小写,可知其不是两个简单句。能够这样使用的只有独立主格或with的复合结构。据此判断,本句中使用的是独立结构, 其结构为:名词+分词。 由于permit在这里翻译为“天气允许”,表主动,应用现在分词,故选B。

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