

发表时间:2011/5/31 14:31:13 来源:互联网 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信




General hospital 综合医院 obstetrics and gynecology hospital 妇产医院 plastic surgery hospital 整形外科医院 tumour hospital 肿瘤医院 traditional Chinese medicine 中医院 dental department 牙科 registration office 挂号处 outpatient/ inpatient department 门诊部住院部 consulting room 诊室 X-ray department 放射科 laboratory 化验室 blood bank 血库 pharmacy 药房 medical/surgical/isolation/observation ward 内科 外科 隔离 观察室 doctor/physician/surgeon 医院 内科医院 外科医生 nurse laboratory technician 化验员 body-building and recreational center 健美娱乐中心 the beauty craze 健美热 health-care food 保健食品 trace element 微量元素 he is ill with/suffering from a bad cold dizzy/chilly 头晕 发冷

Headache /a sore throat/ a bad cough 头疼 喉咙痛 咳嗽 sneeze a lot and have a running nose 打喷嚏 流鼻涕 appetite

Get inflamed 发炎 be getting worse 日益严重 sharp dull 剧痛 insomnia 失眠 bowel 小便 passing water/wind/motions 大便 spitting blood 吐血 swollen 肿 the patient is in a critical condition 处于病危状态 without any after-effects 没有后遗症 the wound is beginning to heal 开始愈合

detrimental habits calcium

Regular bedtime schedule yoga environment=background a nighttime snack Limit alcohol consumption sound sleep ailment chronic lack of sleep

Impaired memory 记忆力减退 Inadequate sleep

impair metabolic and hormonal functions 新城代谢和激素分泌功能

internal clock

The public health service system 公共卫生系统 medical service system 医疗服务系统

Township health clinics 乡镇卫生院

Living close to the poverty line 徘徊在温饱线上

After the founding of the people's republic of China in 1949

Stirred up 挑起 so-called be termed 成为 public consultation 公众意见 engaged in 从事于 convince 说服 a litany of complaints 满腹牢骚mention 提起


U.S. Researchers reported on Wednesday 星期三地报告

in advance 提前 right away 马上 立即immediately

An assistant professor of family medicine and researcher in complementary and alternative medicine who led the study said 辅助和代替医学研究员

On in five =one out of five /one-fifth a quarter of them

denial The prisoner repeated denials of the charges against him. routinely deny any interest in the job

The calcium level was low in the diets of both vegetarians and meat-eaters, but the vegetarian diet provided substantially more iron, Vitamin A and fiber

alleviate 减轻 lighten;allay;alleviate;ease;mitigate;reduce缓和 缓解

Relieve the crippling illness of the mind 缓解精神上的疾病

Poll by the national sleep foundation but according to polls over 79% support biotechnology

less than the recommended hours of sleep at night 达不到建议的时间

make you more vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections

Wakefulness is often the result of bad sleep habits ..结果

Total government expenditures on medical and health care in China over the five-year period reached 629.4 billion yuan

Control system with a fairly comprehensive range of function 比较健全

The number of diseases for immunization covered by the state plan was increased from 7 to15

equip 11700 town and township health clinics with medical equipment

Market-based 以市场为导向

Research capabilities 研究空间 diabetes 糖尿病 watermelon 西瓜 cherries their ruby red color 樱桃红宝石版炫目的红色 Acupuncture

Dehydrated 脱水 work less efficiently 退化



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