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Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)

Directions: There are 15 shot incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

1. Lily: I’m sorry I can’t go with you.

Sue: ________? Haven’t you agreed?

A. Why don’t you B. What is it

C. How is it D. What do you think

2. John: The meeting has begun and I doubt if he will come.

Larry: ________. He’ll speak at the meeting.

A. He’s likely to come B. He is going to come

C. He will come D. He is sure to come

3. Jane: Are you going to watch TV now?

Brett: _________.

A. I would if I had time B. I’m sorry. There is no answer

C. All right. Thank you D. Yes. I agree with you

4. A man: Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the Park?

A woman: _________. You may ask the policeman over there for help.

A. Yes, you go ahead, and I’ll follow you

B. Sorry, but I’m a stranger here myself

C. Well, walk fast, and you’ll soon get there

D. Ok, it’s not far from here

5. Maria: Are you satisfied with what she has done?

Nancy: Not in the least. It couldn’t be_________.

A. so bad B. much better

C. so well D. any worse

6. Fred: How do you know Mike is from the Scotland?

Eddie: From the way _________.

A. which he speaks B. that he speaks

C. in that he speaks D. with which he speaks

7. Mori: How do you like Mrs. Johnson’s painting?

Katy: ________. No one paints worse.

A. To tell you the truth B. In other words

C. Generally speaking D. On the whole

8. John: Let’s go to the stadium to watch a football match.

Paul: __________

A. Why? B. Why not?

C. Not at all. D. Yes, please.

9. Anne: My husband and I are going abroad to have a travel tomorrow.

Emily: _________.

A. Have a good journey B. Cheers

C. Good luck D. Long time no see

10. Joan: Do you mind opening the window?

Nancy: _________..

A. Sorry, I don’t mind B. Sure, go ahead

C. No, please don’t D. No, but I’m feeling a bit cold

11. Elaine: I thought you were going to leave early today to meet your daughter in the kindergarten.

Carrot: I ________, but I couldn’t leave until I finish typing all the letters.

A. had planned to B. planned to

C. plan to D. am planning to

12. Stranger: Could you help me to lift the box on my shoulder?

Passerby: _________.

A. No, I couldn’t B. For pleasure

C. I could D. With pleasure

13. Mark: Here is a birthday present for you.

James: Thank you. It’s very kind of you. It’s so beautiful.

Mark: _________

A. Congratulations! B. It’s my honor.

C. I’m happy you like it. D. With pleasure

14. Son: Father, you promised that if I did well in the exam you would buy me a new bike.

Father: ________ I will buy it tomorrow.

A. So did I. B. Really?

C. So I did. D. You should keep your promise.

15. Edward: Shall I help you deal with the calculating with my computer?

Thomas: _________.

A. All right. Thanks a lot

B. Yes, go ahead please

C. No, please don’t do it

D. I don’t want to trouble too much


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