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发表时间:2013/2/5 11:20:46 来源:互联网 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信

为了帮助广大考生系统的复习2013年公共英语考试课 程,更好的掌握有关2013年公共英语考试的重点内容,小编特编辑汇总了2013年公共英语考试 的相关辅导资料,希望对您此次参加公共英语考试有所帮助!


It is impossible to say that any one man invented the automobile. Many individuals living and working in different countries and at different times contributed to its development. Many of the discoveries that went into the creation of the automobile were small in themselves. But together they were important. Here are two examples.

“Carriage is running at a speed of 8 to 9 miles an hour.” It was almost unheard of in those days. According to automobile historians, this was the first practical use of mechanical power to move a vehicle. After its first run, the machine reportedly burned up while the inventor and his friends were celebrating its success at a pub.

Henry Ford is considered the father of modern automobiles mass production. His famous Model-T car, because of its low price, made it possible to produce cars on a large scale and his efforts made it accessible to ordinary people.

Useful words and expressions:

1. reportedly 据传说,据传闻

2. mass production大规模生产

3. on a large scale 大规模地

4. accessible 易接近的,可到达的

accessible to 与……接近







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