

发表时间:2011/5/30 14:29:28 来源:互联网 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信


11. With computer users linked to the Internet growing _____ every year, business is trying to cash in on the worldwide network.

A at million

B with a million

C with one million

D by millions

13. We regret having to remind you that 30% of the freight is still ______.

A owned

B owning

C outstanding

D understanding

14. ______ you fulfill the terms of the L/C, we will accept the drafts drawn under this credit.

A Provided

B To provide

C In the case

D Only if

15. Kindly advise us of the steamers that call ______ your port every month.

A at

B on

C in

D for

16. It should be _______ if you could immediately ______ what quantity you can supply us at present.

A thankful, advise

B appreciate, advise

C appreciated, advise

D appreciating, inform

17. That helps to explain ______ businesses are setting up Net sites even though profits aren’t yet very big.

A that

B the reason for

C why

D why that

18. We find that there is no stipulation of transshipment _____ in the relative L/C.

A allowing

B which allows

C which allowed

D being allowed

19. After unpacking the case we found that the goods did not ______ with the original sample.

A match

B come up

C agree

D measure

20. If the first shipment ______, we guarantee that we will send you many repeat orders.

A will prove satisfactory

B proves satisfactory

C turns out a satisfaction

D turns out to be satisfied

21. It is necessary that an arbitration clause _______ in the contract.

A will be included

B must be included

C be included

D has been included

22. Please see that your written confirmation _____ by the end of this month; otherwise we will be free from the obligation for his offer.

A reaches us

B will reach us

C reach us

D reached us













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