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发表时间:2016/12/16 9:56:58 来源:互联网 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信

Once-daily pill could simplify HIV treatment

Myers Squibb and Gilead Sciences have combined many H.I.V. drugs into a single pill Sometimes the best medicine is more than one kind of medicine. Malaria, tuberculosis and H.I.V./AIDS,2 for example, are all treated with ____1____ of drugs. But that can mean a lot of pills to take. It would be ____2____ if drug companies combined all the medicines into a single pill, taken just once a day.

Now, two companies say they have done that for people just ____3____ treatment for H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS. The companies are Bristol-Myers Squibb and Gilead Sciences. They have ____4____ a single pill that combines three drugs currently on the market.3 Bristol-Myers Squibb sells one of them ____5____ the name of Sustiva.4 Gilead combined the ____6____, Emtriva and Viread, into a single pill in two thousand four.

Combining drugs involves more than ____7____ issues. It also involves issues of competition ____8____ the drugs are made by different companies. The new once-daily pill is the result of ____9____ is described as the first joint venture agreement of its kind in the treatment of H.I.V.

In January the New England Journal of Medicine5 published a study of the new pill. Researchers compared its ____10____ to6 that of the widely used combination of Sustiva and Combivir. Combivir ____11____ two drugs, AZT7 and 3TC.8 The researchers say that after one year of treatment, the new pill suppressed H.I.V. levels in more patients and with ____12____ side effects.9 Gilead paid for the study. Professor Joel Gallant at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, led the research. He is a paid adviser to Gilead and Bristol-Meyers Squibb as well as the maker of Combivir, GlaxoSmithKline.

Glaxo Smith Kline reacted ____13____ the findings by saying that a single study is of limited value. It says the effectiveness of Combivir has been shown in each of more than fifty studies.

The price of the new once-daily pill has not been announced. But Gilead and Bristol-Myers Squibb say they will provide it at reduced cost to developing countries. They plan in the next few months to ask the United States Food and Drug Administration10 to ____14____ the new pill.

There are limits to who could take it because of the different drugs it contains. For example, ____15____ women are told not to take Sustiva because of the risk of birth disorders.11 Experts say more than forty million people around the world are living with H.I.V.


malaria n. 疟疾

tuberculosis n. 结核(病)

joint adj. 联合的,共同的

suppress vt. 抑制

pregnant adj. 妊娠的,有孕的


1. HIV ( human immunodeficiency virus ):人免疫缺陷病毒

2. AIDS ( acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ):获得性免疫缺陷综合征,艾滋病

3. (be / come)on the market:出售

4. Sustiva以及后面出现的Emtriva、Viread和Combivir都是治疗艾滋病药物的商品名。

5. New England Journal of Medicine:新英格兰医药杂志。New England 是美国东北六州( Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island 和 Connecticut )的总称。

6. 英国英语中compare with是“与…相比较”的意思,compare to是“把...比作...” 的意思,但在美国英语中compare to也有compare with的意思,这里就是“把...与…相比较”的意思。

7. AZT (Azidothymidine ):叠氨胸苷(能抑制引起艾滋病的人免疫缺陷病毒)

8. 3TC:拉夫米定(一种胞嘧啶核苷衍生物,能抑制乙肝病毒和人免疫缺陷病毒的逆转录酶的活性,改善肝脏组织的病变)

9. side effect:副作用

10. United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA):美国食品与药品管理局

11. birth disorder:先天性疾病


1. A) conservation B) cooperation C) combinations D) considerations

2. A) simpler B) more complex C) more meaningless D) more troublesome

3. A) starting B) stopping C) ending D) discontinuing

4. A) analyzed B) examined C) explored D) developed

5. A) before B) after C) under D) above

6. A) one B) ones C) other D) others

7. A) social B) technical C) personal D) historical

8. A) if B) as if C) though D) as though

9. A) that B) which C) what D) whatever

10. A) size B) shape C) appearance D) effectiveness

11. A) excludes B) contains C) looks like D) tastes of

12. A) few B) fewer C) many D) more

13. A) for B) with C) to D) into

14. A) prove B) disprove C) improve D) approve

15. A) weak B) strong C) elder D) pregnant


1. 分析文章标题, 了解文章主题, 确认文章主题词;

2. 对比被选项, 判断可能考点;

3. 关注空格两端结构,借助空格所在的局部搭配结构及搭配语意判断答案;


1. 分析文章主题:

Once-daily(每天一次) pill(药丸) could simplify(简单化) HIV(艾滋病病毒) treatment(治疗)

文章主题词:pill, simplify, HIV, treatment

2. 直接解题:

Myers Squibb and Gilead Sciences have combined many H.I.V. drugs into (把...合成...)a single(单一的, 单身的,一个,挑出) pill. Sometimes(有时) the best medicine(药) is more than (多于...,)one kind(种类, 仁慈的, 和蔼的) of medicine.

1. A) conservation(保存, 保持) B) cooperation(合作)

C) combinations(结合,联合, 组合物) D) considerations (考虑,需要考虑的事情)

Malaria(疟疾), tuberculosis(肺结核) and H.I.V./AIDS(艾滋病), for example(例如), are all treated(被治疗) with(用, 由于, 赞成) ____1____ of drugs.

1. C 空格前句中出现了被选项C的家族词汇combine,因此C成为答案的可能性较大(提示1:出现文章主题词或出现与文章主题词呼应的近义词/家族词汇的选项可能是答案)。如果把C填入空格中, 则空格所在的局部结构说“...被用组合药进行治疗 ”, 该结构意义通顺,因此C是答案。


But that can mean(意味着, 想要, 吝啬的, 平均的) a lot of(许多的) pills to take(服用,拿走, 获得, 占领).

2. A) simpler(更简单的, 更朴素的) B) more complex(更复杂的)

C) more meaningless(更无意义的) D) more troublesome(更讨厌的, 更麻烦的)

It would be ____2____ if drug companies(公司) combined all the medicines into a single pill, which is taken(被服用) just once a day(一天一次).

2. A 被选项A中的核心词simpler是文章主题词simplify的家族词汇, 因此A成为答案的可能性较大。


3. A) starting(开始,出发) B) stopping(停止, 停下来)

C) ending(结束, 结尾) D) discontinuing (停止, 放弃)

Now(现在), two companies(公司) say they have done that (已经...)for people just(仅仅,刚刚, 刚好, 公正的,正确的) ____3____ treatment for H.I.V., the virus(病毒) that causes(造成) AIDS(艾滋病).

3. A 被选项B, C和D在“停止”这层词义上互为近义词,因此彼此排除掉, 所以答案为A。


The companies(公司) are Bristol-Myers Squibb and Gilead Sciences.

4. A) analyzed(分析) B) examined(检查, 考试)

C) explored(探险, 探测, 研究) D) developed (发展, 生长,研制)

They have ____4____ a single pill that combines(合成, 联合) three drugs currently(现在) on the market(出售).

4. D 空格所在的句子说“他们已经...一个药丸, 该药丸把现在市场上在出售的三种药合成在一起”,上文提到“有两家公司已经在进行把治疗艾滋病的多种药合成一种药的工作” , 因此空格处出现“开发,研发”(D项)恰当。


5. A) before(在...之前) B) after(在...之后,以...而命名 /name...after.../以...的名字而命名)

C) under (在...之下, 在...领导下,在...状态中) D) above(在...上方, 在上面, 上面的)

Bristol-Myers Squibb sells(出售) one of them ____5____ the name of Sustiva.4

5. C 这几个介词中,只有under可以与name组合成短语under the name of (“以…名,名为…”),其它选项在这里均不合适。


6. A) one(一, 一个,任何人) B) ones

C) other(其他的,其他人) D) others(其他人, some...others...一些...一些...)

Gilead combined the ____6____, Emtriva and Viread, into a single pill in two thousand four.

6. D 上面提到两家公司已经开发出将多种药合成为单片的新药,Myers公司已合成了一种,Gilead公司则于2004年将其它两种Emtriva和Viread合成为单片,这里既然列出了这两种药的名称,所以就必须用“others”。

考点:上下文之间的意义关系,篇章短语结构one ... the others...一个...其他的...

7. A) social(社会的,爱社交的) B) technical (技术的)

C) personal(个人的, 私人的, 亲自的) D) historical(历史的, 有关历史的)

Combining(合成的, 化合的) drugs involves(包括, 使陷于) more than ____7____ issues(问题).

7. B 空格所在的句子说“合成药不仅仅涉及到...的问题”, 根据常识判断“合成药首先应该是技术方面的问题”,因此B(技术的)是答案。

8. A) if(如果,是否) B) as if (好像)

C) though (虽然, 尽管) D) as though(好像)

It also involves(包括,使陷于) issues of competition(竞争) ____8____ the drugs are made(被生产) by different(不同的) companies(公司).

8. A 被选项B和D互为近义词, 因此彼此排除掉。剩下的选项都可引导状语从句, 因此关注空格所在的从句与主句之间意义关系。 句子主句说“它也涉及到竞争方面的问题”, 从句说“药品由不同的厂家生产”, 显然从句与主句之间是“条件”与“结果”之间的关系,因此if(如果)合适。


9. A) that B) which

C) what(什么, ...的) D) whatever(无论什么,无论哪一种的)

The new(新的) once-daily pill(药丸) is the result(结果,造成,起因(于)) of ____9____ is described as (被描述为...)the first joint venture (合资) agreement(协议,同意) of its kind (种类, 仁慈的)in(在...的过程中,) the treatment(治疗) of H.I.V.

9. C the result of后面出现的应该是一个宾语从句,且空白处的连接词应该充当宾语从句的主语,首先我们可以排除that(that引导名词性从句时,that在从句中不充当任何语法成分,仅仅起一个连接从句的作用 )和which(which引导名词性从句时, which后常常会带有一个单数的名词),因此答案只能来自C和D。这两个选项的差别是what是特指,而whatever是泛指。空格所在的句子说“这种新的每天服一次的药丸被描述成在治疗HIV病毒的过程中所达成的第一个合资协议的产物”,这是特指,不是泛指, 因此what是答案。

考点:宾语从句(区分what 与whatever)

In January(一月) the New England (新英格兰)Journal(杂志) of Medicine(药,医学))published(出版, 公布, 发表) a study(研究,学习) of the new pill.

10. A) size(大小,尺寸) B) shape(形状, 使成形)

C) appearance(出现,外观) D) effectiveness (效用)

Researchers(研究者) compared(比较) its(the new pill) ____10____ to that of the widely(广泛地,普遍地) used(被使用的, 用旧的) combination(合成物) of Sustiva and Combivir.

10. D 研究人员对不同药物进行对比,自然是对比它们的疗效,其它三个选项的对比均毫无意义。


11. A) excludes(把...排除在外) B) contains(包含, 容纳)

C) looks like(看起来像) D) tastes of(有...的味道,体验)

Combivir ____11____ two drugs, AZT and 3TC.

11. B 四个选项中只有A和B可以考虑,exclude是“除外,排除”,与 contain(“包含,含有”)正相反,因此重点关注这两个选项(提示2:答案常常出自有关系的选项中)。空格所在的句子说“Combivir...两种药:AZT 和 3TC”, 显然B(包括)出现在空格中最合理。


12. A) few(很少的, 几乎没有) B) fewer(较少, 较少的)

C) many(多数, 许多的, 许多人) D) more(更多的,更多, 更...)

The researchers(研究者) say(说) that after(在...之后) one year of treatment(治疗), the new pill(药丸) suppressed(抑制,镇压) H.I.V. levels(水平, 水平的,使...水平) in(在...里面) more patients(病人, 耐心的) and with ____12____ side effects.

12. B 既然这种新药可以抑制更多病人的HIV水平,副作用自然应该“更少”,这是使用新药前后的对比,故必须用比较级。


Gilead paid for (支付...的费用, 偿还)the study(研究).

Professor(教授) Joel Gallant at the Johns Hopkins School(学院, 学校) of Medicine in Baltimore(巴摩尔), Maryland(马里兰州), led(领导) the research.

He is a paid(被支付钱的, 聘请的) adviser(顾问) to Gilead and Bristol-Meyers Squibb as well as (也)the maker(研制者) of Combivir, GlaxoSmithKline.

13. A) for(为了, 因为,适合于) B) with(用, 有,由于, 赞成)

C) to(往,向,到...为止,对) D) into (进入...之中,进入...状态)

Glaxo Smith Kline reacted(反应) ____13____ the findings(研究发现) by(通过, 依据,通过, 用) saying(说) that a single(单一的) study is of limited(有限的) value(价值).

13. C react to(“对...作出反应”)是固定用法,其它选项均不对。


It says the effectiveness(效用) of Combivir has been shown (已经被揭示)in each of (每个)more than (比...多)fifty studies(研究).

The price(价格) of the new once-daily pill has not been announced(还没有被宣布).

But(但是) Gilead and Bristol-Myers Squibb say(说) they will provide (将提供)it at reduced(减少的) cost(价格,成本)(以较低的价格) to developing countries(发展中国家).

14. A) prove (证明, 证实) B) disprove(反驳, 证明...错误)

C) improve(改善, 改进) D) approve(赞成,批准)

They plan(计划) in the next(接下来的, 下一次) few months(月) to ask(要求,询问) the United States Food and Drug Administration(管理机关) to ____14____ the new pill.

14. D 空格所在的句子说“他们打算在几个月内要求FDA(美国食品药品管理机关)...新的药丸”, 显然空格处填入approve(批准)恰当。


There are limits to (对...的限制)who could take(服用) it because of (因为)the different(不同的) drugs(药品) it contains(包含).

15. A) weak(虚弱的,软弱的) B) strong(强壮的,坚固的)

C) elder (年长的) D) pregnant (怀孕的)

For example(例如), ____15____ women are told (被告诉)not to take Sustiva because of(因为) the risk of birth(出生) disorders(紊乱).

15. D 本句后面已经提到,生育时可能有危险,那就只有孕妇 (pregnant women) 才有生育的问题了。


Experts(专家) say more than forty million(百万) people around the world (全世界)are living with(忍受着) H.I.V.







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