

发表时间:2012/11/28 15:23:44 来源:互联网 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信



1. 名词后缀 -ation; tion; sion



2. 动词后缀 -ize


3. 名词后缀 -ence


4. 名词后缀 -ity





1. Psychological research has focused on a number of basic principles that helps memory.

research 在本句中做名词,这个词也可以做动词用。请看下面的例句,注意research的词类和用法:

1) An excellent piece of research won him the international prize.(一项出色的研究使他获得了国际大奖。)

2) Research shows that the potential of man's brain is limitless.(研究表明人脑的潜力是无限的。)

3) Much research has been done on / into diseases of blood.(在血液病方面人们做了很多的研究。)

4) Scientists have been researching on / into the causes of brain damage.(科学家们一直对脑损伤的起因进行研究。)

5) They felt very much disappointed as they had been researching for three years but with no result.(做了三年的研究而没有任何结果,他们感到很失望。)

focus on 是一个常用词组,意思是“集中”,在生词部分已作了较为详细的讲解,在此,请翻译几个句子:

1) 他今天准是累了,他无法把注意力集中在工作上。(He must be very tired today, he just couldn't focus his attention to his work.)

2) 她觉得很不自在,因为所有的目光都注视着她。(She felt very uneasy as all eyes were focused on her.)

3) 这本书着重谈了中东的形势。(This book focuses on the situation in the Middle East.)

a number of 的意思是“许多”。请看下面的例句,注意a number of 和the number of 的区别:

1) A number of factories have been shut down because of pollution problems.(由于污染问题许多工厂被关闭了。)

2) A number of students have handed in their application forms.(许多学生都递交了申请表。)

3) The number of students in our school increases every year.(我们学校的学生人数每年都在增加。)

4) The number of passengers who were injured in the accident is still unknown.(在事故中受伤的乘客人数还不知道。)

2. It is useful to know how these principles work.

it 在句中做形式主语,真正的主语to know how these principles work,此类结构我们在第一和第二单元已有了解。请看下面的句子:

1) It is necessary to learn how to use the computer.(学会如何使用计算机很有必要。)

2) It is important to find out why the forest fire broke out.(找出森林大火的原因很重要。)

3) It is difficult to know what he is thinking about.(要想知道他在想什么很困难。)

work 在本句中的意思是“起作用;产生影响”,请翻译下面的句子:

1) The doctor said that the medicine would work.(医生说药会起作用的。)

2) They didn't think his plan would work.(他们认为他的计划行不通。)

3) They didn't expect that the teacher's encouragement would work such a change in him.(他们没有料到老师的鼓励会使他产生如此变化。)






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